《只屬于你的辦公室》《歐式現(xiàn)代簡約風的私人公寓 》《王子咖啡館》《施華洛世奇—水晶櫥窗設計》《FIT SHOP健康食品體驗店》《LIGHT BOX》《廣州音樂中心建筑設計》《OBB鐵路候場大廳》《音樂與自然》
To describe Serbia is as difficult as your impression. You can relate it to many different countries and cultures such as: Roman empire, slavic ethnicity, Turkey, Germany, Hunes, Russia etc. And you would be correct in certain percentage for any of it. I would say that today, Serbia is carrier country of great historical heritage with shining extremes.
it wasn’t just a choice, but an obligation as well. I believe it is a moment when I realized power of human imagination, own desire for creation and need for protection. Today what is in people’s mind, tomorrow will become someone’s home, work or place to remember, space to open people’s true personality, and for such responsibility I dare to say that design cannot only be choice of a passion, but concentration of each of our interests and characteristics.
We must identify specific comparison first. Design abroad also varies from country to country, and in contemporary world differences are fading in global market.
Interior design environment in China has multi-disciplinary character with accelerated real-estate led development. This model has direct influential barrier for not building up stronger contemporary identity, on the other hand offers another base for consumers to develop their needs, taste and understand themselves better. Unlike European limited market which has bit reversed situation.
曾經聽Denis Laming說過,“要把人放在設計的中心”,很多設計師會過多考慮設計本身,其次才去考慮人,中國有個詞叫本末倒置非常適合形容這個現(xiàn)象,對此您是怎么看的呢?
I think every architect would agree with Mr. Laming, although I would like to go more specific, and say that if people are center of design, then peoples need are functional and communicative guidelines of the same.
IT industry is proving the same point. They focused on consumers needs in order to make their experience easier and meet their expectations. I believe it’s same in architecture and in every other industry.
我覺得每個設計師都會同意Denis Laming所說,也可以更具體得說,人們的需求是功能和交流的準則。IT行業(yè)也是有著一樣的看法,他們專注于消費者的需求,使得人們的生活更加便利,更加充滿期待。我相信在這一點上,許多行業(yè)都是相同的。
Our idea is that we should solve problem with minimal intervention. Complicated design is bringing other problems aiming to solve another.
Tokyo opened me new horizons. Problems that people in Japan are facing with small space, are pushing limits of finding solutions with for their everyday life needs. I have learned that architecture and interior design are advancing in society which have as extreme problems as Japan with their population, space and sensitive seismic situation.
Creative solutions I’ve had opportunity to see in Tokyo made challenges very welcome in my profession, and convinced me that there is no such thing as “easy project”.
detail itself is strongest character of Identity. Sometimes I am able to go very deep in bringing out most of the spaces visionary side items turning them into advantage of the same space.
I don’t think i’ve discovered my favorite element yet, but, I can say that those elements which fit their shape alongside the form awakes harmony in me.
Having built first project in China (Guangzhou Music Center) is amazing experience, like becoming part of new country for me.
Being part of great team and people, makes your life amazing in China. If you truly achieved those two, all shortcumings will turn into funny memories.
Traveling in China is good balance for my inspiration and any activities related to cultural exchange goals is something I believe can improve societies all over the world.
Thank you.
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